Book gigs

Our music and entertainment marketplace gives venues access to thousands of the best artists across the country.
Sign up today and grow your footfall and revenue through the power of live entertainment.

Venues we work with

Save money and increase profits

Centralised booking system

Fastest growing music marketplace

Instant booking

The GigPig platform provides a centralised, streamlined and easy to use system to book live entertainment into your venue.

The platform helps you manage the entire booking process by allowing you to instantly book artists onto a simplified calendar.

At no more than £10 per gig, you will be connected to the largest growing live music marketplace to ensure you book the right artist for your venue.

By hosting live music in your venue, you can expect an increase in revenue, footfall and average spend per visit.

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Seamless Gig Booking

Right chevron

Discover new artists: Access our dynamic, ever-growing catalog of verified artists, always updated with the hottest talent and rising stars.

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Artist previews: Watch and listen to performances of all artists, ensuring you're making the perfect choice.

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Personalised favourites: Create personalised 'favourite' lists for instant access to your top picks.

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Multi-gig booking: Instantly post multiple gigs with time-saving templates.

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24/7 Customer support: Never miss a beat! Our dedicated support team is always on standby, ready to assist you anytime, anywhere.

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Ziglar just booked metrodome 2m ago

Ziglar just booked metrodome 2m ago

Gig Booking screenshot
Screenshot of Venue Calendar GigPig
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Simplified Calendar Management

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Real-time gig updates: Live gig updates for your teams.

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Estate management: Manage individual or multiple venues from a centralised hub.

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Instant visability: Get a clear overview of gigs with lightning-fast filters.

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Ziglar just booked metrodome 2m ago

Ziglar just booked metrodome 2m ago

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Effective Marketing

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Live gig sharing:  Share your gigs across your website with our API integration, ensuring your 'What's On' section is always up to date.

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Increase footfall: Drive customers to book tickets and reserve tables through your what’s on page.

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Data driven insights: Identify new opportunities to boost sales with live music.

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Ziglar just booked metrodome 2m ago

Ziglar just booked metrodome 2m ago

Two payment options to meet your needs

Invoicing screenshot
Gig Booking screenshot


Automated Accounting

Right chevron

Instant invoices: Receive artist invoices immediately once a gig is signed off.

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HMRC compliant: All invoices are formatted to meet HMRC requirements, ensuring a smooth and compliant financial process.

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Batch downloads: Download artist invoices in batches, streamlining your accounting tasks and maximising productivity.

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CSV uploads: Download your payment CSV to upload your batch payments to your payment software.

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Error free: Managers can adjust fee to show any changes before signing off gigs.

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Ziglar just booked metrodome 2m ago

Ziglar just booked metrodome 2m ago

Gig Booking screenshot


One-stop Payment House

Right chevron

Smart invoicing: Pay 1 GigPig invoice, we then split and distribute payment to all your artists.

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Simple setup: You never have to set up an individual artist as a new supplier again.

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No late invoices: GigPig automatically generates and submits the invoice to you for your signed off gigs.

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Error free: Managers can adjust fee to show any changes before signing off gigs.

Screenshot of Invoice system GigPig
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Ziglar just booked metrodome 2m ago

Ziglar just booked metrodome 2m ago

Managed Booking Solutions with Genre

Right chevron

Music & Brand Consultancy
Genre Music are experts that understand your objectives and provide a centralised music solution for your venues.

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Residency Bookings
Access a curated community of DJs and live musicians, with Genre Music handling payments and logistics.

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Enjoy background music programmes tailored to your brand, adapting seamlessly to different times of day and seasons.

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Guest Bookings
Tap into a global network to book high-profile DJs that match the moment perfectly.

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Ziglar just booked metrodome 2m ago

Ziglar just booked metrodome 2m ago

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Transform the way you organise entertainment

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